January 10 2022 0Comment
replacement windows in Portland OR

Excuses You Shouldn’t Use to Avoid Replacement Windows

Homeowners should be proactive and take the necessary steps to keep their home in top shape. But many homeowners will procrastinate getting replacement windows in Portland, OR. Here are some of the worst excuses homeowners use to avoid installing new windows.

My Old Windows Can Last a Few More Years

Most homeowners will look at their old windows and think they can’t be that bad. If they still look decent and are not physically falling apart, then they have a few more years of use left, right? This isn’t usually true. Most builder-grade windows won’t last more than fifteen years. And problems are not always visible.

I Can Just Make Repairs

In some cases, homeowners can simply reapply caulk or weather-stripping to try and seal the gaps. But repairs can only get you so far. As windows get older, the repairs become more complex. It will become more difficult to find replacement parts, and there isn’t anything homeowners can do to repair a warped or rusted window frame.

Installation Should Wait for Nicer Weather

Many homeowners will put off replacement windows, thinking they will wait for the perfect season or time of year. What homeowners need to understand is professional window companies can install new windows any time of year. They take precautions to keep the elements out and work quickly so the home is not exposed for long periods of time.

I Don’t Have Time for Window Shopping and Installation

Getting replacement windows does take some time. It is important to research products and sit down with window professionals to find the right options for your home. Then it is important to set aside time to be home so the installation crew can get your windows in. It is important to make the time because the results will be well worth it.

I Can’t Afford New Windows

Replacement windows are an investment. It is important to not use that as an excuse to avoid them. Instead, it is important to sit down, look at finances, and budget for new windows. That way, when the time comes for an upgrade, homeowners can be ready. It is also important to know some window companies offer financing options.

I Am Selling My Home Anyway

Some homeowners decide not to get replacement windows because they are hoping to sell their home in the near future. There are just too many other home improvement projects and don’t feel like new windows are very important. What they may not realize is replacement windows will boost the value of the home, attract the attention of prospective buyers, and give homeowners a great return on their investment.

New Windows Won’t Make Much Difference

Windows are one of the most important features in the home. They protect against the elements. They improvereplacement windows in Portland OR efficiency. They allow in natural light. They provide ventilation. They help with insulation. Getting new windows is guaranteed to have a significant impact on the look and feel of the home.

Don’t use these excuses to put off replacement windows in Portland, OR for too long. Instead, talk to the experts at EnergyGuard Windows & Doors.